Upcoming Performances



Please note that the show has not been touring due to covid. If you are interested in when it will tour again please email me directly at sharonlumsden@gmail.com.

Recommended preparation for attending a performance:
James is an echo of the sermon on the mount.  Both challenge us to go one step further than the letter of the law and act from the heart behind the law.  From the heart of the law, there still seems to be another layer.  We must follow the Spirit’s leading in each situation in order to find how to apply what we have learned appropriate in “the law”.  Leagalistic following of the law is the quickest way to frustration and anger.  However, following the Spirit in each situation is the path of joy. If you are attending a performance, I encourage you to read the Sermon on the Mount and the Book of James a few days before seeing the show. Then pray about the heart of the law and how/where the Sprit may be leading you to apply that.

Blessings to you,
Sharon Lumsden